Floor Type Not Listed

​You've asked a good question.

​When starting a new bid, floors types are listed as shown below:

Floor types are limited to these choices at this starting point in the bid to help keep the process as easy as possible, while still allowing us to bring in appropriate tasks for the kind of floor selected. 

There are, of course, a great variety of types of hard surface floors found in buildings needing to be maintained by cleaning businesses such as vct, ceramic, mosaic, concrete, quarry, rubber studded/bullet, terrazzo, linoleum etc.

​So, to help simply the process, we categorized them into groupings that would be easy to understand based on the way they are commonly maintained, and the tasks typically required to maintain them.

For example, while floors we categorized as non- waxable, such as sealed concrete or quarry, may be maintained by sweeping/dust mopping along with damp mopping...

.. other kinds of floors, we categorized as waxable, such as standard VCT flooring (vinyl clad/composite tile) may require additional, more advanced maintenance services, such as hi-speed buffing, burnishing, scrubbing and recoating and/or stripping and refinishing.

​This has worked out well over the years, as a simple way of categorizing the type of flooring when entering it on the Areas tab while still letting us bring in a list of tasks typically needing to be performed to maintain them.

​Plus, in bidding modules other than Janitorial, such as Construction, Tile etc.. our members can easily edit/change the wording of tasks, like the ones for floor care, to appear in the job specifications.

And, this change doesn't have to be limited to the bid they're working on; by using 'Options' on the Area tab, the change can be made so it will appear on any new bids (using Settings> Bids> Module>Work.)

​Hope this explanation made sense and helps. But, if you have any questions or you'd like a demo of how you can customize your task wording, please just give me a call 888-531-478.